From CBC News, Canada: ‘Breastfeeding bullies’ keep up campaign that ‘breast is best’

Decades-old stigma still being felt by mothers who choose formula over breastfeeding

By Kas Roussy, CBC News

Posted: Feb 28, 2017 5:00 AM ET Last Updated: Mar 01, 2017 8:52 AM ET

Photo of Kas Roussy

Toronto mother Trish Bentley had difficulty breastfeeding, so she formula-fed her three sons. Not being able to breastfeed made her feel like a failure, she says.

Toronto mother Trish Bentley had difficulty breastfeeding, so she formula-fed her three sons. Not being able to breastfeed made her feel like a failure, she says. (CBC News)

The message of “breast is best” has long been touted in doctors’ offices, medical literature and parenting groups for decades, intended to be a positive movement aimed at promoting breastfeeding and its benefits.

But in this highly charged debate, another campaign has emerged: It’s called “fed is best” and promotes the idea that a fed baby is a happy one. The goal of the campaign, started by a U.S. non-profit, is to make sure new mothers don’t feel inferior if they are unable to, or choose not to, breastfeed for reasons including low milk supply, difficulty with breastfeeding technique, a medical condition or  the decision to return to work.

Fed is Best poster