Complications from the Baby-Friendly Protocol

The Fed is Best Foundation has received tens of thousands of stories from mothers whose children have suffered serious starvation-related complications while exclusively breastfeeding with insufficient breast milk. The most common reasons mothers cite for these complications were failures by their health providers and health educators to teach them about:

  • the signs of insufficient feeding
  • the common possibility of delayed or insufficient milk
  • the risk of hospitalization, brain injury and disability from excessive jaundice, dehydration and hypoglycemia

Some infants suffered days of hunger and thirst; others weeks. An unacceptable number suffered brain injury and long-term disability. Rare infants have died. They have shared their stories in order to prevent it from happening to other newborns and raise awareness among health professionals to provide breastfeeding support that prioritizes patient autonomy and safety.

After reading the stories submitted to the Fed is Best Foundation, read more stories published in the media.

Next: BFHI Complications in the Media

Infant receiving phototherapy treatment.

Nurses are Speaking Out About the Dangers of the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative

When the Fed Is Best Foundation was launched two years ago, a few nurses sent us messages  about their experiences working in a BFHI hospital. Some of the nurses felt comfortable speaking out because they left their jobs or retired early, as they did not want to be part of the restrictive breastfeeding policies that were implemented. … Continue reading Nurses are Speaking Out About the Dangers of the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative

Here's an alt tag for the image: `Axial brain MRI showing abnormal areas`

Just One Bottle Would Have Prevented My Baby’s Permanent Brain Damage from Hypoglycemia

Written by Holly Lake I wish I had known about the Fed Is Best Foundation before my 1st son was born. I felt enormous pressure to exclusively breastfeed at my hospital. My son was born at 37 weeks, weighing 5 pounds,13 ounces and he struggled to latch-on and breastfeed at each feeding. When I told … Continue reading Just One Bottle Would Have Prevented My Baby’s Permanent Brain Damage from Hypoglycemia

Newborn baby sleeping soundly in hospital.

My Son Became Severely Jaundiced and Dehydrated at a Baby-Friendly Hospital in Park Slope, Brooklyn

By Fed is Best Mom and Advocate, Lilian B. My son John was born at 42 weeks and one dayat Methodist hospital in Park Slope, Brooklyn, via uneventful vaginal delivery. His APGAR score was 9 or 10. He was strong and beautiful. My labor was quick, and once I got an epidural, it was a … Continue reading My Son Became Severely Jaundiced and Dehydrated at a Baby-Friendly Hospital in Park Slope, Brooklyn

Newborn baby crying loudly on towel.

My Baby Starved at Kaiser Permanente – I was told her newborn stomach was only 5 mL

Our daughter Amelia was born in 2016 at Kaiser Permanente in Irvine, California. During the first night I remember our daughter screaming and wailing…I remember my daughter screaming and I didn’t know what to do until another nurse came in and gave us some formula to give her, but she told me nurses at that hospital … Continue reading My Baby Starved at Kaiser Permanente – I was told her newborn stomach was only 5 mL

Crying baby, fed is best.

The Medical Professionals at the University of North Carolina Allowed My Baby to Starve

I delivered at the University of North Carolina Hospital, a top medical center. I felt reassured that I was in great hands. They were called “baby friendly” after all…I was concerned about my baby’s very dry lips, and I was told not to worry. I asked about the few wet diapers that my son produced. … Continue reading The Medical Professionals at the University of North Carolina Allowed My Baby to Starve

Premature baby sleeping peacefully in hospital.

Fed is Best Stories: Baby-Friendly Complications

Since Fed is Best began campaigning for greater safety standards for breastfed babies, we have received thousands of stories of newborns hospitalized and harmed by the exclusive breastfeeding guidelines.  Here is a small portion of the stories we have received.