Baby-Friendly Protocol Complications in the Media

Serious complications associated with strict adherence to the Baby-Friendly Hospital Intiative and the WHO Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding have led to preventable hospitalizations for jaundice, dehydration and hypoglycemia, known causes of impaired brain development. Some hospitals have seen deaths and near-deaths due to suffocation from accidental bed sharing, called Sudden Unexpected Postnatal Collapse. These accidents are commonly caused by maternal exhaustion and falling asleep during skin-to-skin care or prolonged nursing, which is compounded by sleep deprivation caused by 24/7 rooming-in.  These preventable accidents have prompted the American Academy of Pediatrics to publish guidelines on Safe Sleep and Skin-to-Skin Care for the Newborn Period for Healthy Newborns.

Many cases of infant harm resulting from strict adherence to Baby-Friendly practices have resulted in multi-million dollar lawsuits. Many of these cases have been published in the media.

After reading about highly publicized cases of infants harmed, please read about the risk of brain injury from starvation-related jaundice presented by Baby-Friendly USA board member, Dr. Lawrence Gartner.

Next: Starvation Jaundice and Brain Injury

Crying newborn baby on white blanket.

Philadelphia Magazine: More Philly Hospitals Are Becoming “Baby-Friendly.” Maybe That’s Not a Good Thing

by REGAN FLETCHER STEPHENS The rigid, confounding, densely bureaucratic Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative has morphed into a system that diminishes a mother’s ability to make the best choices for her child. Fed Is Best has published hundreds of stories from mothers sharing everything from feelings of shame and guilt to dangerous complications and, in at least one … Continue reading Philadelphia Magazine: More Philly Hospitals Are Becoming “Baby-Friendly.” Maybe That’s Not a Good Thing

Baby drinking milk from a bottle.

The ‘Breast Is Best’ Breastfeeding Campaign Is Misguided

Formula in an infant’s diet has been looked down upon in recent years, but the truth is that breastfeeding isn’t necessarily the best choice for all mothers and infants. The New York Times published a piece earlier this month suggesting that the Trump administration has  “[embraced] the interests of infant formula manufacturers” above the well-being … Continue reading The ‘Breast Is Best’ Breastfeeding Campaign Is Misguided

Mother breastfeeding newborn baby.

What Our Obsession With Breastfeeding Is Really Doing to Moms and Their Babies

Dr. Del Castillo-Hegyi, an ER physician who had once done research on newborn brain injuries, was too exhausted to realize that her son had hypoglycemia. (The signs can include lethargy, blue coloring, and low body temperature.) She finally gave him a bottle—but three hours later, her baby was unresponsive, and she rushed him to the hospital. He … Continue reading What Our Obsession With Breastfeeding Is Really Doing to Moms and Their Babies

Newborn baby sleeping on mother's shoulder.

Baby-Friendly Hospitals Can, Paradoxically, Be Unsafe for Babies

A new paper in JAMA Pediatrics is the latest in a series of critiques of the so-called “baby friendly” hospital movement. Previously, the global pro-breastfeeding initiative has been questioned for its effectiveness and for its unfair treatment of new mothers. Now, doctors are questioning its safety.

King George Hospital sign, NHS.

Sri Lankan Wins Lawsuit Against NHS as Midwives Fail to Explain Why She Needed to Feed Her Son

When the community midwife visited the family at home after the birth, Nilujan was pale and lethargic, having not been fed for more than 15 hours. His hypoglycemic state resulted in catastrophic brain injuries. Nilujan, now eight, has cerebral palsy with severely impaired physical and cognitive function. On Friday in London, Judge McKenna ruled that Barking, Havering … Continue reading Sri Lankan Wins Lawsuit Against NHS as Midwives Fail to Explain Why She Needed to Feed Her Son

Arrowe Park Hospital NHS sign.

Huge damages payout for boy who suffered life-changing brain injuries days after birth

The youngster was a victim of medical negligence which left him needing care for the rest of his life, the High Court in London heard. In a complex case, Judge Jonathan Simpkiss was told how problems arose from guidance given to the boy’s mum on how to breastfeed.  His birth at Arrowe Park was “uneventful”, although … Continue reading Huge damages payout for boy who suffered life-changing brain injuries days after birth

Princess Anne Hospital entrance sign.

Boy gets £16.5million payout after hospital treatment left him with debilitating health conditions

But he has been left with complex neurological injuries, including epilepsy, visual and mobility problems, as well as learning and behavioural issues, after University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust delayed providing treatment to monitor his poor feeding and manage his low blood sugar levels shortly after his birth. Now, after an approval hearing held today in … Continue reading Boy gets £16.5million payout after hospital treatment left him with debilitating health conditions

Woman breastfeeding toddler outdoors.

Slate: Baby-Friendly Hospitals May Not Be So Baby-Friendly After All

By ELISSA STRAUSS  Over the past decade, a growing number of hospitals have become certified as “baby friendly” as part of a global initiative to encourage breastfeeding. In order to receive this designation, labor and delivery units must agree to 10 rules, which include rooming-in (keeping babies in their mother’s rooms instead of in nurseries), banning pacifiers, and … Continue reading Slate: Baby-Friendly Hospitals May Not Be So Baby-Friendly After All

Baby bottle with formula, infant sleeping.

‘Our baby was starving in hospital’: mum calls for change in baby-feeding policy

A Wellington mum says she was made to feel like a complete failure after asking for formula for her “starving” newborn. The woman said the Ministry of Health ignored her biggest concerns in a complaint about her treatment at Wellington Hospital in August 2017. Her formal complaint about the lack of formula guidance in maternity wards and antenatal … Continue reading ‘Our baby was starving in hospital’: mum calls for change in baby-feeding policy

Happy couple at sunset, romantic embrace.

Newborn baby died just hours after his mother’s concerns were dismissed as ‘paranoia’ by midwives

Just hours later, Mrs McDowall discovered her son, who weighed six pounds, floppy and lifeless in his cot. Resuscitation attempts were unsuccessful and he was pronounced dead at 2.45am. An inquest into Jared’s death heard a root cause analysis investigation (RCA) found four failures in his care, including failures to recognise poor feeding and unusual … Continue reading Newborn baby died just hours after his mother’s concerns were dismissed as ‘paranoia’ by midwives