Mothers breastfeeding and bottle-feeding babies.

Fed is Best Foundation Charm Fundraiser

We are the Fed Is Best Foundation and we thank you for visiting our page and supporting our work with your donation! Your donation of any size is greatly appreciated – and will help us meet our goals and work to ensure that all babies are fed and nourished with safe, evidence-based practices.

A special bonus for this fundraiser is that gifts of $20 or more get a special thank you! #FedIsBest Advocates donating $20 and up will receive a #FedIsBest charm (only available here!) just in time for the holiday season.

Proudly show your support for all parents and feeding methods and help us reach our goal to ensure all babies are fed and nourished in the ways that are best for them and their families.

You can donate by clicking here for our Indiegogo fundraiser tool:

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Who We Are:

The Fed Is Best Foundation is a non-profit, volunteer organization of parents and health professionals who study the scientific literature on infant feeding and real-life infant feeding experiences of mothers through clinical practice and social media connections.

Our work honors all the ways babies are fed and nourished by promoting safe, evidence-based practices, and strives to empower parents and parents-to-be with information on how to safely feed their babies, identify feeding risk factors, work with health care providers, recognize signs of feeding issues and related infant health conditions, and avoid infant re-hospitalizations and negative outcomes.

(You can learn more about us and our and mission here.)

Why We’re Fundraising:

We turn to you all this month for fundraising support, because as many of may you know, our tiny non-profit organization has had a growth spurt this year!

Not only have we built an informational website, we have grown our following by leaps and bounds.  We’ve worked tirelessly to produce evidence-based content that aligns with our mission of promoting and educating families on the safest, most brain-protective methods of feeding infants.

We’re looking to top that in the new year – and we’ve got some BIG goals, so we’ll need your help to achieve them!

Funding Will Support the following:

Educational Activities:

To produce online and in-person evidence-based infant feeding courses for parents and parents-to-be on both breastfeeding and formula-feeding, with input from our experienced team of lactation and nursing professionals, physicians, and infant nutrition experts;

To produce and disseminate our evidence-based infant feeding protocol materials to parents and parents-to-be;

To produce and disseminate our evidence-based infant feeding materials and education programs for health professionals and hospital systems.

Research Activities:

To secure new research about the safest ways to feed and nourish babies and prevent negative health outcomes for moms and babies.

To expand our team of professionals to include Bridget Young, PhD, CLC, human milk researcher and infant nutrition and baby formula expert.

Advocacy Activities:

To advocate for and support parents and families who have experienced infant feeding complications and shaming for how they feed their babies.

Overhead Support:

To help fund for our business operations costs, such as maintaining our website and servers, business fees, business operations costs, etc.

Special note: We’re awaiting the final processing of our 501c(3) application and will provide full transparency with any funds we receive!

We thank you for any help that you’re willing to contribute to this amazing mission of ours. For more information or to get connected with the Fed Is Best Foundation, please visit our website at

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Photograph courtesy of Lyndsey’s Photo Co.

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