From Bravo TV: Moms Who Hate Breastfeeding, Moms Who Love It, And Everyone in Between Talks Babies on the Boob

It’s challenging, and a hot topic … moms weigh in on how they really feel.

“Sandy said: “I have a very interesting take…Coming from a nutrition background and working in Child Nutrition for the last 17 years, breastfeeding was the only way for me. I went into the hospital with breastfeeding as my only option for my newborn. Well, what a lesson learned. My son came early and struggled with low blood sugar; he spent just first five days of life in the NICU. This over exhausted, confused, scared and misinformed mom struggled -too head strong and not for my own good. Without a consistent supply baby was suffering, his sugar would peak and valley to dangerous levels. I had to cave and supplement for his benefit. Boy did I cry. Defeated and hormonal – not a good combo.”

“Heather said: (She’s a Brooklyn mommy blogger who has written extensively about the topic) “I breastfed my son for two years and my twin girls for 1.5 years, so can offer the extended breastfeeding and tandem nursing perspective…’Breast is best’ and all that. Well, there is a lot of pressure put on women to do this, and I want to say it’s not for every woman – either because she can’t or it just doesn’t work well for her or her baby, and there is nothing wrong with that. FED IS BEST!!!””