A mom’s heartbreaking open letter to a stranger who approached her in a Target store has gained her internet fame.
Gainesville, Florida, mom Annie Ferguson Muscato was buying baby formula for her two-monthold daughter Ellie Jo at the department store when a stranger with a strong opinion on the subject of feeding babies decided to put in her unwanted two cents on Annie’s parenting.
Taken aback by the experience, Annie later took to her Facebook to share an emotional post that since has won the hearts of thousands.

Proud mama: Annie Ferguson Muscato from Gainesville, Florida,has gained online fame after writing an open letter online to a woman who told her ‘breast is best’ while she was buying baby formula
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-3548748/FED-best-not-breast-Mom-pens-furious-open-letter-woman-reproached-Target-buying-formula-instead-breastfeeding-baby.html#ixzz4eszNI7Ml
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