Oct 19, 2017 @ 10:25 AM

..Senior members of the Fed Is Best Foundation (FIBF), a non-profit organization of health professionals and moms who educate on the safest, most brain-protective methods for breastfeeding, mixed-feeding, and formula-feeding, say these guidelines put newborns at risk of starvation. Complications include dehydration, hyperbilirubinemia (jaundice) and hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)—all of which are established causes of infant brain injury and permanent disability.
On September 22nd, FIBF leaders and guests, including a neonatologist who wished to remain anonymous, and pediatric endocrinologist Dr. Paul Thornton, M.D., lead author of the Pediatric Endocrine Society’s newborn hypoglycemia guidelines, met via teleconference with top officials of the WHO Breastfeeding Program. During the conference, FIBF experts expressed concerns about complications from the BFHI, and to discuss whether WHO has plans for monitoring, research, or public outreach regarding the risks of accidental starvation.
FIBF co-founder Dr. Christie del Castillo-Hegyi, M.D., an emergency physician who researches newborn brain injury and breastfeeding, presented data on the high incidence of complications from BFHI practices and severe neurological consequences. “Publicly acknowledging the common problem of insufficient breast milk and the importance of supplementation to protect the brain can prevent millions of complications, hospitalizations and newborn injuries,” she implored on the call. “Being fully fed is a basic human right that is not currently met by the standard of care.”
Read more at Forbes.com.