Fed Is Best Foundation: Mothers breastfeeding.

Our Mission: Safe Breastfeeding and Bottle-feeding Support

The Fed is Best Foundation works to identify critical gaps in current breastfeeding and formula feeding protocols, guidelines, and education programs. We provide families and health professionals with the most up-to-date scientific research, education, and resources to practice safe infant feeding with human milk, formula, or a combination of both. We provide families full information … Continue reading Our Mission: Safe Breastfeeding and Bottle-feeding Support

Mother and newborn in hospital bed.

How Breastfeeding Coercion Stripped this Psychiatrist of Her Confidence and Mental Health

  By Michelle M., Psychiatrist, MD, and First-Time Mother It’s taken me a long time to really have the strength to talk about this, but I think it’s time. I’m a 40-year-old, first time mom to an amazing 9-month-old son. Throughout my pregnancy I was repeatedly asked if I would breastfeed and received endless lectures … Continue reading How Breastfeeding Coercion Stripped this Psychiatrist of Her Confidence and Mental Health

Mother gazing at her newborn baby.

A Nurse Speaks Out About The Emotional Distress Parents Endure From Mandated Exclusive Breastfeeding Policies

“The sight and sound of babies crying out for food and fluids are why I decided to speak out. Babies are denied food and fluids to promote exclusive breastfeeding.” As a mother-baby nurse, I’ve seen many preventable episodes of emotional distress for families in my thirty-year career. Unfortunately, The emotional distress increased significantly when the … Continue reading A Nurse Speaks Out About The Emotional Distress Parents Endure From Mandated Exclusive Breastfeeding Policies