Mothers breastfeeding and bottle-feeding babies.

Please Help Us Protect Babies From Hunger and Thirst

Dear Fed is Best Supporter,

We want to thank you for supporting the Fed is Best Foundation in its mission to support all mothers to feed their babies safely. We want to share with you the progress we have made in the year-and-a-half that we have been in existence.

  • We have nearly 450,000 Facebook followers world-wide and we are growing by 2,000 to 10,000 followers a week
  • The Fed is Best Foundation was recently featured in a cover story of TIME magazine called “The Goddess Myth.” Our stories, our work and the Fed is Best message have been covered by the media globally including ‪‬, the Atlantic, ‪Slate Magazine,‬, BBC News, CBC in Canada, CBS News, the Washington Post, ABC News, CNN News, Romper, the Huffington Post to name a few.
  • Fed is Best Spokesperson Jillian Johnson and Fed is Best Co-Founder Dr. Christie del Castillo-Hegyi were interviewed on the Doctors Show. There Jillian shared the story of her son Landon’s tragic death from insufficient breast milk.
  • Dr. del Castillo-Hegyi presented her research on the Dangers of Insufficient Feeding of Breastfed Newborns at the First Coast Neonatal Symposium held by the University of Florida at Jacksonville.
  • Senior members of the Fed is Best Foundation met with top officials of the World Health Organization breastfeeding guidelines program, Dr. Nigel Rollins, Dr. Laurence Grummer-Strawn and Dr. Wilson Were to discuss our concerns about the high rates of brain- and life-threatening complications associated with the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative. The events of this meeting was covered by
  • We have supported thousands of parents to safely feed their babies through breastfeeding, formula-feeding, combination feeding and tube-feeding, helping them prevent the feeding complications of jaundice, dehydration, hypoglycemia and failure to thrive through Facebook.
  • We are actively reaching out to major health organizations, health insurers and elected officials, with the help of our pro-‪bono‬ attorneys at Alston & Bird, to campaign for increased research, monitoring and public health education on infant feeding complications and for the protection of health professionals who provide supplementation and patient education on safe infant feeding practices.

Watch this short video of moms sharing how the Fed is Best Foundation helped them feed their babies safely and confidently.

We have accomplished all these things with a budget of less than $35,000 a year. The Co-Founders and volunteer supporters of the Fed is Best Foundation work tirelessly, every day of the week, day and night, to provide education, advocacy and support for all parents and all safe forms of infant feeding. We do it because we believe that all babies deserve to thrive no matter how they are fed and that all parents deserve safe, evidence-based, shame-free infant feeding support. Imagine what we can achieve with more?

This year we are asking our supporters to think of one thing they buy every month…a Netflix subscription, coffee at Starbucks, cable television, and consider donating this same amount every month to the Fed is Best Foundation. Whether it be $5 or $1000 a month, it will help us help parents to protect their babies from feeding complications that have become too common in today’s “Breast is Best” world. This will also help us advocate for national and global reforms in infant feeding standards to protect every baby from feeding complications.

We hope you will consider sharing this letter on your social media page. We thank you all for your continued support and we hope you have a joyful holiday season with your friends and family.


Christie del Castillo-Hegyi, MD and Jody Segrave-Daly, RN, IBCLC
The Co-Founders of the Fed is Best Foundation

Donate to Fed is Best


Fed is Best Foundation
PO Box 241736, Little Rock, AR 72223

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