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Just One Bottle Would Have Prevented My Baby’s Permanent Brain Damage from Hypoglycemia

Written by Holly Lake I wish I had known about the Fed Is Best Foundation before my 1st son was born. I felt enormous pressure to exclusively breastfeed at my hospital. My son was born at 37 weeks, weighing 5 pounds,13 ounces and he struggled to latch-on and breastfeed at each feeding. When I told … Continue reading Just One Bottle Would Have Prevented My Baby’s Permanent Brain Damage from Hypoglycemia

Infant's photo, candle, and urn.

Jillian Johnson: My Message To Parents During World Breastfeeding Week-Just One Bottle

By Jillian Johnson It took all of the courage I had to put aside the debilitating amount of guilt I carried for five long years to tell Landon’s story—his birth, the first days of his life, and how he died. In fact, I still don’t know where I found that courage, but I am convinced … Continue reading Jillian Johnson: My Message To Parents During World Breastfeeding Week-Just One Bottle

Beach memorial candle, sand writing.

Remembering Landon On World Pregnancy And Infant Loss Day: Just One Bottle

By Jillian Johnson Dear Sweet Angel Landon, I am so sorry you were failed by the unethical exclusive breastfeeding protocol of the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative. Every health care professional that took care of you in the hospital was taught the same universal BFHI  breastfeeding education curriculum and they failed you. I now know the curriculum … Continue reading Remembering Landon On World Pregnancy And Infant Loss Day: Just One Bottle