Mothers breastfeeding their babies.

Things We Wish We Knew About Breastfeeding Before We Started

Parents from the Fed is Best Infant Feeding Support group have told us that their prenatal education didn’t prepare them for the realities of breastfeeding and didn’t teach them the education they wanted and needed. They want other families to be informed to have a safe and positive breast/chestfeeding experience.  This is what they said:  “It’s … Continue reading Things We Wish We Knew About Breastfeeding Before We Started

Newborn baby holding pacifier.

Belgian Mother Shares How Her Babies Became Lethargic After Being Denied Supplemental Milk by Hospital Staff

A Letter from Karlyne C. from Belgium I would like to share my experience in hopes that it can be useful. My name is Karlyne, I am the mother of 3 children and live in Belgium.  My first daughter, Moïra, was born in 2018. I had not looked up any information about breastfeeding during my … Continue reading Belgian Mother Shares How Her Babies Became Lethargic After Being Denied Supplemental Milk by Hospital Staff

Pregnant woman, breastfeeding supplements quote.

Mother Speaks Out About Her Baby’s Death After Exclusive Breastfeeding: What She Wants Human Rights Organizations to Know

Josephine contacted us after reading Dr. Christie del Castilo-Hegyi’s letter to health care professionals about the dangers of insufficient breastfeeding and the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative. Josephine is from Lagos, Nigeria, and wants to tell her story, because she believes every mother should know how to supplement her baby safely until her milk is flowing, no … Continue reading Mother Speaks Out About Her Baby’s Death After Exclusive Breastfeeding: What She Wants Human Rights Organizations to Know

Doctor talking to mother and baby.

Dear pediatricians, watch your language; infant bonding happens with a present loving parent not the way they are fed

  Dear Pediatrician,  I am writing this letter to open my heart to all pediatricians. I’m hoping that sharing my story will encourage them to watch their language when talking to parents about infant feeding. As a parent, we naturally want to make sure our children thrive. We entrust pediatricians to care for our children … Continue reading Dear pediatricians, watch your language; infant bonding happens with a present loving parent not the way they are fed

Happy mother and son outdoors.

My Son’s Life was Forever Changed Due to Insufficient Feeding While Exclusively Breastfeeding

By Pam Floyd I am the mother of a 28-year-old who is neurologically and physically disabled. My son Chaz, fell victim to severe dehydration called hypernatremia due to insufficient milk intake from exclusive breastfeeding in the first days of life. I read breastfeeding books, watched breastfeeding videos, and studied every page of What to Expect. … Continue reading My Son’s Life was Forever Changed Due to Insufficient Feeding While Exclusively Breastfeeding