Crying newborn baby in hospital.

The ‘Second Night Syndrome’ is Abnormal and This is Why

Written by Jody Segrave-Daly, MS, RN, IBCLC As a NICU/nursery nurse and IBCLC who has worked with newborn babies my entire nursing career, I was mystified when I first heard the phrase “second-night syndrome.” When I began to research where the phrase came from, it became clear that it is not based on any scientific … Continue reading The ‘Second Night Syndrome’ is Abnormal and This is Why

Mother breastfeeding her baby.

I Learned I Was Capable Of Breastfeeding My Baby Thanks To The Fed Is Best Support Group

Asher was born after 46 hours of induced labor at 39 weeks, 4 days. I had sudden onset severe pre-eclampsia. In the “golden hour,” he didn’t latch. He was exhausted and a bit lethargic. After the staff took Asher for his bath, I worked with the RN and he latched really well and nursed on … Continue reading I Learned I Was Capable Of Breastfeeding My Baby Thanks To The Fed Is Best Support Group