Newborn receiving phototherapy treatment.

Markers of Brain Injury is Present in the Blood of Newborns Requiring Phototherapy for Jaundice

by Dr. Christie del Castillo-Hegyi, M.D. 

A study published in the journal Pediatrics and Neonatology in September, 2014 showed that newborns diagnosed with hyperbilirubinemia, or abnormal jaundice, high enough to require phototherapy had significantly higher blood levels of S100b, a protein known to be released by damaged brain cells when significant brain injury occurs.  They studied 62 jaundiced newborns who required phototherapy and compared them to 30 healthy non-jaundiced newborns and compared the relative levels of S100b in the blood, as well as other molecules that are associated with oxidative stress, a phenomenon that occurs when living cells die.  All except 2 babies in each group were breastfed and none had G6PD, a condition that causes abnormally high bilirubin unrelated to breastfeeding-related dehydration.

They found that the babies who had hyperbilirubinemia high enough to require phototherapy (bilirubin levels of 20.58±2.96 mg/dL) had significantly higher levels of S100b than the healthy babies, (S100B levels 87.3± 2.63 pg/mL in healthy babies vs. 124.97 ± 123.05 pg/mL in phototherapy babies; p = 0.032).  They also found higher levels of MDA, a marker of oxidative stress from cell death, in the babies requiring phototherapy as well (5.55±0.6 nmol/mL vs. 7.72±0.75 nmol/mL; p<0.001).  The levels of S100b was NOT reversed by phototherapy, suggesting that phototherapy neither increased brain cell death nor reversed it.  The purpose of phototherapy is to prevent further brain injury caused by hyperbilirubinemia but it does not reverse brain injury.

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Newborn baby receiving phototherapy treatment.

High Rates of Newborn Hospitalizations for Jaundice Requiring Phototherapy in a Baby-Friendly-Compliant Hospital System

By Christie del Castillo-Hegyi, M.D.

The true rates of excessive jaundice and hospitalizations of newborns for phototherapy due to jaundice has been recently published in JAMA Pediatrics published online April 11, 2016. In a study of 104,460 babies born between January 2010 and December 2013 in the Kaiser Permanente Northern California (KPNC) Healthcare System reported than an astonishing 12.4% of babies developed pathological hyperbilirubinemia of greater than 15 mg/dL in the study period, which has been shown in the scientific literature to increase risk of developmental disabilities. This translates to 12,953 babies or almost 12 babies a day.  In addition, 5.7% of babies required phototherapy admission, translating to 5954 newborns or 5 babies a day.

California has a state mandate to require Baby-Friendly certification in all its hospitals by 2020, which requires that >80% of eligible newborns be exclusively breastfed at discharge, the primary quality metric of the BFHI. Many California hospitals are working towards that designation and their exclusive breastfeeding rates at discharge are tracked by the California Department of Public Health. Estimates of excessive jaundice in the KPNC hospital system, which has among the highest exclusively breastfeeding rates at discharge, all except 2 reaching the >80% requirement, was described by this study. Seventy-one percent of these hospitalizations were extensions of the original birth admission, which means pathological jaundice was detected before discharge and the newborn’s hospital stay was extended to reduce the pathological effects of bilirubin, namely brain injury.

Severe newborn jaundice and phototherapy increase the risk of developmental disability

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Breastfeeding, Supplemental feeding, Formula-Feeding, Fed is Best

Letter to Doctors and Parents About the Dangers of Insufficient Exclusive Breastfeeding

  (En español)

Dear Colleague and Parent:

My name is Christie del Castillo-Hegyi and I am an emergency physician, former NIH scientist, with a background in newborn brain injury research at Brown University, and mother to a 6-year-old child who is neurologically disabled. I am writing to you because my child fell victim to newborn jaundice, hypoglycemia and severe dehydration due to insufficient milk intake from exclusive breastfeeding in the first days of life. As an expectant mom, I read all the guidelines on breastfeeding my first-born child. Unfortunately, following the guidelines and our pediatrician’s advice resulted in my child going 4 days with absolutely no milk intake requiring ICU care. He was subsequently diagnosed with multiple neurodevelopmental disabilities.  Being a physician and scientist, I sought out peer-reviewed journals to explain why this happened. I found that there is ample evidence showing the links between neonatal jaundice, dehydration, hypoglycemia, and developmental disabilities. I wish to explain to you how I believe this could apply to my son and the many children whose care you are entrusted with. Continue reading