Hospital Bag Packing Tips for You and Your Partner

by Josh Moore from

Image via Pexels

Packing your hospital bag can be one of the most exciting parts of preparing for your new baby. It’s getting real! But as exciting as it is, many first-time parents feel stressed about what to pack and bring. The Fed is Best Foundationprovides infant-feeding education and can help ease parental jitters. Then you can focus on the fun parts — packing your bag like a pro and visualizing your ideal birth. Read on for tips about how to get started.

Your baby’s first need is you.

The list of baby supplies can feel overwhelming, but try to remember that you are what your new baby needs most of all. The first hour of skin-to-skin contact with your baby has powerful physical and emotional benefits. The comfort and love that you provide your baby immediately after birth are more important than any supplies you bring to the hospital.

That said, there are a few things that you should pack for him or her, such as onesies (including a full body suit), a swaddle blanket, a beanie, and (most importantly) an installed car seat to take your little one home. Your hospital or birthing center usually provides diapers and wet wipes. But keep in mind that if you do forget anything, a friend or relative can bring it to the hospital for you, so there’s no need to pack your baby’s entire future wardrobe. Continue reading

Father working on laptop with baby.

I Burned the SNS Supplemental Feeder In Our Backyard-My Story As A Supportive Breastfeeding Partner

The first weeks of our baby’s life are hazy, but I remember Meredith’s gasps of pain when she tried to nurse.  I remember that the baby kept coming off the breast and crying and we had to get her back on.  It was a constant struggle of trying to get the baby latched, having to break her latch because of the pain, then her falling asleep, unlatching, then waking up and crying.  It was a seemingly endless cycle.  

When we brought the baby home from the hospital, she was crying and we couldn’t get her to stop.  I realized she was hungry and I gave her a bottle of formula.  She drank down four ounces, stopped crying, and went to sleep.  I felt relieved because I was able to make my baby happy and comfortable.   I told Meredith that the baby drank 4 ounces of formula and she said that was impossible, because an infant’s stomach  can only hold 5 ml, according to the nurse who taught our breastfeeding class.  We both now know that is untrue.   

The next day, we went to the lactation consultant at the hospital.  She told us to supplement with formula, but to give no more than 5 ml at once with a syringe—no bottles.  She said the baby’s stomach could only hold 5 ml (our baby was 4 days old) and we should feed her with a syringe to avoid nipple confusion.  The baby sucked those 5 ml down so quickly, it was ridiculous. I knew that she needed more than 5 ml, but I didn’t feel qualified to disagree with the lactation consultant.  Because she worked at the hospital, I assumed she was giving evidence-based advice.  So we fed the baby 5 ml at a time with a syringe.  When one syringe-full was insufficient to sate the baby, I often fed her multiple syringes at a time, even though I felt like it was wrong to do so.     Continue reading