Before and after photos of a baby.

Because of the support I received from Fed is Best, we were able to understand that a feeding tube was not a failure.

By a Fed is Best Supporter After having difficulty breastfeeding my older son, I was determined to have a healthier feeding experience the second time around. I learned, through incredible suffering with PPD, that the most important thing was a healthy baby and mother. This time, I had a plan: I was going to give … Continue reading Because of the support I received from Fed is Best, we were able to understand that a feeding tube was not a failure.

Newborn baby sleeping on mother's chest.

Baby-Friendly USA Acknowledges Their Mistakes; Are They Going To Make Real Changes In The New Year Or Are They Providing Lip Service To Mothers?

Dear BFUSA, Thank you for your long-overdue public acknowledgment endorsing what the Fed Is Best Foundation has been fiercely advocating for over the past 3 years.  According to your recent blog post you now agree with us that: 1. Delayed onset of copious milk production is common.  BFUSA: “Delayed lactogenesis is actually increasingly common because … Continue reading Baby-Friendly USA Acknowledges Their Mistakes; Are They Going To Make Real Changes In The New Year Or Are They Providing Lip Service To Mothers?

Crying newborn baby in someone's arms.

Baby-Friendly: Failure and the Art of Misdirection

By Alex Fischer, PhD Candidate, Brooke Orosz, PhD, Jody Segrave-Daly, RN, IBCLC, Lynnette Hafken, MA, IBCLC and Christie Del Castillo-Hegyi, M.D. Any good magician will tell you that the secret to their trade is misdirection—making the audience look one way while doing something the other way. And even knowing this, most of us are still … Continue reading Baby-Friendly: Failure and the Art of Misdirection

Newborn baby's bath time.

Nurses Quit Because Of Horrific Experiences Working In Baby-Friendly Hospitals

Photo Credit: Victorian Agency for Health Information We regularly receive messages from nurses, physicians, LCs, and other health professionals. They express their concerns while asking for help and patient resources. They tell us their stories and they need support and direction on what to do about unethical and dangerous policies they are forced to practice. We collected their … Continue reading Nurses Quit Because Of Horrific Experiences Working In Baby-Friendly Hospitals

Newborn baby crying in mother's arms.

U.S. Study Shows Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative Does Not Work

by Christie del Castillo-Hegyi, M.D. On October 14, 2019, the Journal of Pediatrics published astonishing findings regarding the effects of the Baby-Friendly hospital certification on sustained breastfeeding rates as defined by the 2020 Healthy People Goals of:  any breastfeeding at 6 and 12 months exclusive breastfeeding at 3 and 6 months.  They did so by … Continue reading U.S. Study Shows Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative Does Not Work