Newborn receiving phototherapy treatment.

Exclusively Breastfed Newborns Have Double the Risk of Being Rehospitalized

By Christie del Castillo-Hegyi, M.D. This week, the journal Academic Pediatrics, published a study conducted by the Newborn Weight Loss research group led by Drs. Valerie Flaherman and Ian Paul, which consisted of 143,889 healthy, term and near-term newborns born at the Baby-Friendly Northern California Kaiser Permanente hospital system from 2009-2013.[1] They included newborns who … Continue reading Exclusively Breastfed Newborns Have Double the Risk of Being Rehospitalized

Baby boy's first month milestone photos.

I Shared My Story a Year Ago And I Was Told To Go Kill Myself – How I Am Healing

By Mandy Dukovan, MS, MFT, Marriage and Family Therapist, Fed is Best Foundation Senior Advisor It’s incredibly hard to put into words all the things that The Fed Is Best Foundation has done for me over the past year.  I stumbled upon the Foundation when I noticed a friend of mine “liked” one of their blog … Continue reading I Shared My Story a Year Ago And I Was Told To Go Kill Myself – How I Am Healing

Sleeping newborn baby in white clothes.

The Shaming Began In My Hospital Breastfeeding Course And Never Stopped

The shaming began prior to delivery, at the hospital breastfeeding class.  A soon-to-be mom asked if she should keep some formula on-hand, just in case she was unable to breastfeed.  The lactation consultant (IBCLC) insisted she not keep any formula around because, as soon as you start feeding the baby formula, you will give up … Continue reading The Shaming Began In My Hospital Breastfeeding Course And Never Stopped

Father working on laptop with baby.

I Burned the SNS Supplemental Feeder In Our Backyard-My Story As A Supportive Breastfeeding Partner

The first weeks of our baby’s life are hazy, but I remember Meredith’s gasps of pain when she tried to nurse.  I remember that the baby kept coming off the breast and crying and we had to get her back on.  It was a constant struggle of trying to get the baby latched, having to … Continue reading I Burned the SNS Supplemental Feeder In Our Backyard-My Story As A Supportive Breastfeeding Partner